Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Group
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Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate group

The Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate group (AC2) is a research group within CSIC´s Institute of Physical Chemistry Blas Cabrera (IQF). The group initiated its research activities in September 2009 in Toledo as the former Laboratory for Atmospheric and Climate Science, since December 2012 AC2 is based at IQF in Madrid.

This website briefly describes the research activities in the group. AC2 research efforts are directed at studying the role of atmospheric composition and chemistry in the climate system. The goals are to explore the interactions between anthropogenic and natural emissions, the chemical and physical climate system, and the biosphere, within a changing climate context.

Within this scientific framework, AC2 provides an integrated research approach combining atmospheric measurements (satellite- and ground-based), modelling (microphysical to global chemistry-climate) and laboratory studies (photochemistry).


Copyright © 2016. AC2 CSIC, Institute of Physical Chemistry Rocasolano. Serrano 119 - 28006 Madrid - Spain. Tfno +34 91 561 94 00